Sunday 1 November 2015

Light In The North

Trident rejected resoundingly.

TTIP rejected by over 90 per cent, to loud cheering in the hall.

Would Adam Ingram care to explain how a missile launched from Korea could hit these Islands? Or why North Korea would fire one at us? Or why a nuclear-armed North Korea had been tolerated at all?

Ah, there's the rub.

The ramshackle Soviet Union was never capable of invading Western Europe. Insofar as there ever was an Iron Curtain, then the only thing behind it was the Wizard of Oz.

No member of the "Axis of Evil" had any connection to the events of 11th September 2001. Nor with each other, come to that. There never were any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

No one any longer even bothers to pretend that there is an Iranian nuclear weapons programme; notice that Ingram made no mention of any such thing.

Think on.

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