Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Under Growth

Average figures are all well and good, but who, exactly, feels better off?

Not, "Does anyone?" Who, exactly?

Which voters are they, and where?

Based on the absence of a consistent Conservative poll lead, we can all see who and where they are not.


  1. Who exactly feels better off? Probably these people:

    1. Well, quite. If you don't pay tax on your vast income and wealth, then you are unlikely ever to feel the pinch.

      Britain is mostly a land of SMEs where the private sector is concerned. Big businesses depend on them, and both depend on the public sector.

      But one category finds it far easier than the other category does to avoid paying for that sector.

      I would just ignore these 100. They are kind of people, if they are not the actual individuals, whom Tony Blair used to hold in awe. That speaks for itself.
