Thursday 18 February 2010

Shameless, Indeed

Spoof "I've Never Voted Tory, But" posters, ostensibly in the Labour interest and featuring Frank Gallagher, have been concocted on the Internet. Well, what about bailouts, enforced contracting out of council services, Housing Benefit landlordism, tax loopholes, VAT exemptions for commercial schools, and so much else besides? And in any case, mass benefit dependency, like the destruction of the integrity of the council housing stock, goes back to the Eighties.


  1. No, the Frank Gallagher ones were "I've never voted Labour, but..." posters, created by Conservative activists to attack Labour and its supporters.

  2. Drug problems and low levels of educational attainment are not, as we see only too clearly here, peculiar to the lower orders.

  3. Are they doing this on purpose, to prove your point about how thick they are? Is it some sort of game to them?

  4. I'm feeling faintly charitable, so I shall assume that it is to deflect attention from the rest of the post.

    But, of course, we and everyone else can see that they certainly have not read that far, and probably can't.

    One clause at a time is their limit. Anyone who has ever heard one of Tony Blair's "speeches" will know what I mean.

  5. Someone should ask him at 18:18 what "ostensibly" means.

  6. Or "stentorian". But he certainly can't have read as far as the next post down.

    Anyway, on topic, please.

  7. Spoof "I've Never Voted Tory, But" posters, ostensibly in the Labour interest and featuring Frank Gallagher, have been concocted on the Internet.

    That's a wonderfully fogeyish sentence. On the Internet? I'm shocked!

  8. Do you think it's possible for people simultaneously to (a) disagree with you and (b) not be stupid?

  9. Isn't Frank Gallagher the Shadow Chancellor?

  10. In Flies Fred, if I were a proper Young Fogey, then I'd be far more Internet savvy. Seriously. Do you know any?

    Pesse, yes, but there has been no evidence of it on here today.

    Gideon, they are indistinguishable chemically, sexually and in terms of how many days' work they have ever done. The Shadow Cabinet is thoroughly Shameless.
