Monday 23 March 2009

Islamists: Go On, I Dare You

There being a lot of repetition between this and some other posts today, the unique bits here are in bold:


From the list of addressees to this email, you will have gathered that the correspondence that has been flying about over the last week or so has been brought to my attention.

In addition to copying this to the local press, I am also BCC-ing it to much of the national media. Let me make it clear that after reading the material in circulation to and among you, I will certainly be an Independent candidate here in North-West Durham at the General Election expected in spring 2010.

Your informants in this constituency are correct that Hilary Armstrong is retiring, and the all-women shortlist is creating enormous ill-feeling within the Constituency Labour Party, not least because there will be no local candidate on it (the CLP’s own fault, of course). They are also right about the sizeable body of Independent Councillors here, and about the extreme anger of those many Labour Councillors who have seen their seats abolished by the imposition of unitary local government against the wishes of the electorate.

It is also the case that an all-women shortlist means, of course, an Emily’s List candidate, who must be in favour of abortion entirely on demand, up to and including partial birth. This constituency has a very considerable Catholic population, which predominates in the largest town. Several Labour Councillors, particularly there, owe their seats to that vote. If they were so much as to sign the nomination papers of an Emily’s List candidate, then I honestly do not know who would ever again sign their own nomination papers, and they would certainly stand absolutely no chance of re-election.

Well, there is no real fun, or even real effort required, in beating some girl who can afford to make Liam Byrne’s coffee for no pay for several years after university in the hope of being given a safe seat in an unfair contest (an all-women shortlist) on the wholly false premise that she was some sort of rising star. The Tories dropped to third place here last time, with a candidate who looked about 12 and had not even bothered to acquire a non-London address for the duration. A party which exists purely in order to secure Cabinet seats for members of the Bullingdon Club has no conceivable appeal here.

And the Liberal Democrats are the Liberal Democrats, with a history of standing aside successfully for Independents at Tatton in 1997, and at Wyre Forest in 2001 and 2005. Never mind for an Independent who shared their local communitarian populism, their support for certain causes such as the opening up of the family courts and the call for a coroner’s inquest into the death of Dr David Kelly, their opposition to the neoconservative war agenda and to the erosion of civil liberties, and their enthusiasm for electoral reform. But not their European federalism, their soft line on crime and drugs, their hostility to traditional family values, or their desire to abolish church schools, none of which plays well in these parts.

But beating you, on the other hand, would not only relegate all three of those essentially defunct parties to bit-part players, but would also be real fun, even if it, too, would require no real effort. An Independent whose election address was largely gleaned word-for-word from my letters to the local free newspaper kept his deposit last time, and took more votes than the reduction in the Labour majority.

So, I dare you to do as you are being urged to do and undertake that you will put up someone against me. I say that there is a ninety per cent chance that you could not secure enough signatures to get onto the ballot paper, and I dare you to try and prove me wrong. I say that there is a ninety-five per cent chance that, even if you got onto the ballot paper, you would lose your deposit, and I dare you to try and prove me wrong. I say that there is a one hundred per cent chance that you would take fewer votes than I, and I dare you to try and prove me wrong.

Yes, as you have been told, I am an opponent of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, a critic of Israel, a campaigner against the erosion of civil liberties, and a defender of the exclusion of Geert Wilders from Britain. I am so precisely because (or, at least, for reasons very closely related to why) I am also an opponent of separatism in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo, Chechnya, Xinjiang and Kashmir, as well as of the spread of Islamic influence across the West, not least in the treatment of Turkey as a Western country.

As you do not appear to have been told, my view on Wilders is also my view on the other foreign preachers of hate who are regularly in the news, while I would fully support any declaration of independence by Nagorno-Karabakh.

So I dare you to put up against me a candidate who supports the banishment of the Serbo-Croat Santa from the schools of Sarajevo. Who supports the black-shirted Wahhabi heroin-traffickers of Kosovo. Who supports the dismemberment of Russia, China and India in the cause of the Caliphate. Who supports the Islamisation of Western culture and society. Who supports the clutching to our bosom of a country run by Islamists, where the ultra-nationalists are the only alternative. Who supports the admission of foreign preachers of hate to these shores. And who supports forcing part of the first people ever to become Christian to remain within an Islamic state into which they were incorporated by Stalin. Go on. I dare you.

And yes, as you have been told, I rejoice that Lebanon has a European official language and requires that the President be a Christian. Yes, I rejoice that Syria has Christian-majority provinces, and Christian festivals as public holidays. Yes, I rejoice that Iran has three reserved parliamentary seats for Christians and one for a Jew. And yes, I want policy towards Israel and Palestine to pay close regard to the needs and aspirations of the Christian communities there, of which there are six that are particularly large.

So I dare you to put up against me a candidate who objects to the fact that one of the official languages of Lebanon is French and that the President has to be a Maronite Catholic. Who objects to the Christian-majority provinces of Syria, and to the Christian festivals as public holidays there. Who objects to the three reserved seats for Christians and one for a Jew in the Iranian Parliament. And who objects to taking account of the needs and aspirations of the Christian communities in the Christian Holy Land. Go on. I dare you.

Furthermore, although I am certainly not without sympathy for opposition to usury, I am totally opposed to any according of legal status to Sharia law in this country. I am deeply unhappy about Muslim schools here (where my own Catholic schools have existed since a good thousand years before any other kind did). I can put up with halal meat because it is a serviceable weapon in the armoury against the hunting ban. But I would fight to the death against any move towards permitting polygamy. I see nothing any more acceptable about male than female genital mutilation. And I regard face-covering (not head-covering, but face-covering) as incompatible with the conduct of British social and cultural life.

So I dare you to put up against me a candidate who wants Sharia law in Britain. Who supports Muslim schools wholeheartedly. Who would permit polygamy. Who defends male genital mutilation in the name of religion or culture. And who finds it acceptable to require or expect that women cover their faces in public. Go on. I dare you.

I object in the strongest possible terms to the influence in the West in general, and in the United Kingdom in particular, of the despotic, misogynistic and Jew-hating Gulf monarchies in general, and of despotic, viciously misogynistic and fanatically Jew-hating Saudi Arabia in particular. I strongly believe that the public holidays in this country should be Christian festivals rather than pointless celebrations of the mere fact that the banks are on holiday, and I see no case for non-Christian festivals to be public holidays here (nor, for that matter, do I campaign for public holidays on purely Catholic feast days). And I am most uneasy that mosques are being built in this United Kingdom with domes and minarets, which are triumphalistic manifestations of an Islamised society, culture and polity, and which were in that spirit added to former churches during Islam’s forcible overrunning of the Eastern Roman Empire.

So I dare you to put up against me a candidate who welcomes the interference of Saudi Arabia and the other Gulf monarchies in this country’s affairs. Who wants Islamic feast days to be public holidays, necessarily at the expense of Christian festivals that are or might have been. And who is relaxed or even delighted to see minarets and the domes of mosques on British skylines. Go on. I dare you.

Lest it be imagined that I am singling out Muslims, there is plenty that I could and would say, in no less forthright terms, if it were brought to my attention that the advocates of, for example, Hindutva, or Khalistan, or numerous other things were organising against my candidacy. I dare them to put up against me, too. Let me add that I am mixed-race, and that of course Islam is universal in its claims and mission.

This constituency’s 21,312 Labour and 7869 Liberal Democrat voters should be aware that I am the candidate who wants to ensure that no one’s tax-free income falls below half national median earnings. To abolish prescription charges, and restore free eye and dental treatment. To make employment rights begin on day one of employment and apply regardless of the number of hours worked, as promised by John Smith.

To save council housing, and bring all council services back in house. To renationalise the utilities and the railways. To build a national network of public transport free at the point of use. And to remove all nuclear, radiological, chemical and biological weapons from British soil and waters.

This constituency’s 6463 Tory and 3865 Independent voters should be aware that I am the candidate who wants to restore the supremacy of British over EU law. To return to preventative policing based on foot patrols. To make each offence carry a minimum sentence of one third of its maximum sentence, or 15 years for life. To restore grammar schools, restore O-levels, restore excellent Secondary Modern schools, and defend and restore Special Needs Education.

To introduce a legal presumption of equal parenting, restore the tax allowance for fathers, and allow paternity leave to be taken at any time in the first 18 years of the child’s life. To help farmers and small businesses through a windfall tax on the supermarkets. To defend village services, save shooting and fishing, repeal the hunting ban, and make Gypsies and Travellers obey the same planning laws as the rest of us. And to preserve the historic regimental system, rebuild the Royal Navy, and save the Royal Air Force.

And they should all be aware that I am the candidate who wants nuclear power and clean coal technology. The restoration of British overall control of our defence capability. Ministers to have their pay docked if either spending or outcomes are lower in the North East than in Scotland or the South East. Immediate and unconditional withdrawal from Afghanistan and Iraq. Total opposition to lap-dancing clubs. And an MP’s office in Consett as well as in Crook.

The Independent vote, one third of the Tory vote, half the Liberal Democrat vote, and one third of the Labour vote add up to more than the remaining two thirds of Labour support. In short, this seat can be taken.

Taken by the pro-life, pro-family, pro-worker and anti-war voice of economically social democratic, morally and socially conservative British and Commonwealth patriots. Taken by the voice of One Nation politics, with an equal emphasis on the One and on the Nation. Taken by a conservationist, not an environmentalist.

Taken at the beginning of a movement untainted by the betrayal of Gaitskellism over Europe, by the betrayal of Christian Socialism over nuclear weapons, by the decadent social libertinism of Roy Jenkins, or by the comprehensive schools mania of Shirley Williams. And taken as the victory of those whose American equivalents flocked to President Obama’s economic populism (including economic patriotism) and foreign policy realism (including economic patriotism) while voting to reaffirm traditional marriage in Florida and California, while voting to abolish legal discrimination against working-class white men in Colorado, while voting against the deregulation of gambling in Ohio or Missouri, and while keeping the black and Catholic churches (especially) going from coast to coast.

We need a captain in each community, who will know where our vote is and who will get out that vote. We need to start organising now. Anyone interested, please contact Remember, we only need to be the first past the post. But we need to get our act together without delay.

As do you, if you are going to stop us. Except, of course, that you won’t. You wouldn’t dare. Go on. Prove me wrong. I dare you.


  1. I don't think an Islamist party would ever entertain serious thoughts of winning an election in North-West Durham, given the demographics in that part of the world - daring them to stand won't help.

  2. "David Lindsay Must Be Stopped" material is in circulation among them. I have seen it. It's a wonderful thing, this electricity.

  3. You really ought to post it on your blog - it would be funny, and fascinating. They wouldn't dare sue you if you did. Go on, dare them.

  4. I pretty much have - this post is alrgely about saying "Yes I am, so what are you going to do about it?"

    I may not be much of a journalist, but I don't reveal my sources.

  5. "And I am most uneasy that mosques are being built in this United Kingdom with domes and minarets, which are triumphalistic manifestations of an Islamised society, culture and polity, and which were in that spirit added to former churches during Islam’s forcible overrunning of the Eastern Roman Empire."

    You are horribly wrong here. It was during the aftermath of the Turkish conquest of Constantinople (which I resent more than anyone I know, I should add) that the massive, iconic dome of the Hagia Sofia entered Islamic architecture, not the other way around.

    Cultural pillaging? You could put it that way. I'd say that 'homage' would be more accurate. The point is, however, that you have mistaken hammer for anvil: it was mosques that got the dome added to them. Miranets were indeed added to Hagia Sophia, but that was hardly a disfigurement.

    Speaking of which, it was very refreshing to see some MGM opposition, but in future please take care to stress that you are only comparing it to FGM I, the removal of the female prepuce, rather than the more severe FGM II or III. There is a really important difference between those almost identically identified practices and you only weaken the cause of bodily sovereignty by not making it. If you'd said 'MGM is just the same as FGM I' then you'd have a case that would be far trickier to dispute.

    All the same, I'm hoping you get in and make some Private Member's Bills concerning the issue. All the best.

  6. James, you are of course right abouy Hagia Sophia. But it is something that they then went on to do to churches all over the former Byzantine Empire.

    And are now doing elsewhere: although not (yet) in this part of the country, I have seen Victorian chapels with domes and minarets stuck on them.

    I cannot see the moral difference between MGM and either form of FGM. If you have a medical condition requiring one of these procedures, then that is one thing. But I can see no other excuse. We don't allow, for example, animal sacrifice in this country. So why do we allow children to have bits cut off them?

  7. James, you are of course right abouy Hagia Sophia. But it is something that they then went on to do to churches all over the former Byzantine Empire.

    Well as a budding Byzantinist I do find that a great pity, but let's not pretend that the Eastern Romans didn't do plenty of conquest of their own! Justinian removed Theodoric the Great's figure from the Ravenna Mosaics with himself and his aristocracy with his wife and her courtiers, after all.

    It was the way of the era. If the Byzantines had been able to afford cannons I imagine much the same might have happened to Mecca. Perhaps that's a counter-factual you long for, but the point is this: conquest was something that everyone engaged in, Byzantium unquestionably included. You play the game for long enough & some day you'll lose.

    We should focus on how remarkably long it took that day to come for them, not embitter ourselves with recriminations. Look at mosques and see there the remnants of Byzantium, the lasting influence of a once mighty and still magnificent culture being paid homage by new Britons with a rich cultural heritage to bring to this country, not an insidious threat.

    I cannot see the moral difference between MGM and either form of FGM.

    MGM diminishes sexual pleasure, FGM II and III destroy it entirely, along with endangering the woman immensely during childbirth, being far more likely to lead to further complications (incontinence, infections and, of course, death). It's like comparing removing a thumb to removing a hand.

    FGM I, however, is basically the same thing. Removal of the analogous organ, with similar consequences. That's a tight, precise comparison that proponents of MGM have a far harder time dealing with. Some women even consent to FGM I as adults, albeit a tiny niche minority, something not true at all of FGM II or III.

    If you have a medical condition requiring one of these procedures, then that is one thing. But I can see no other excuse. We don't allow, for example, animal sacrifice in this country. So why do we allow children to have bits cut off them?

    Well I agree, it should be outlawed for the healthy non-consenting. But we aren't going to further that goal with false comparisons.

  8. "We should focus on how remarkably long it took that day to come for them, not embitter ourselves with recriminations"

    But we are experiencing it again, right here and right now. There is no requirement for mosques to have domes or minarets - they are triumphalistic definitions of the very landscape and skyline in terms of Islam, and they are therefore wholly out of place in Britain.
