Sunday 25 May 2008

The Real Ruling Class

Even a stopped clock is right twice a day. Herewith, one Nick Cohen.

As Cohen writes:

Labour would do better to realise that millions of working- and middle-class people who can't see the subtle social differences between Ed Balls's private school and George Osborne's are lying awake and wondering if the ground is shifting from under them.

They are sweating about debt, unemployment, repossession, pensions and inflation. Old Etonians are the least of their problems.

However, Cohen is wrong that Brown is an unelected Prime Minister. The Crown, and thus our liberties under it, have not been abolished just yet. That abolition would be the final triumph of the new ruling class, the only people with the faintest hope of any Presidency, yet for ever able to pass off that arrangement as simultaneously democratic and "meritocratic".

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