Friday 25 April 2008

Trotskyism On The Vine

What is it with Jeremy Vine and the Scottish Socialist Party, the Trotskyist one-man band that decided to become a no-man band by expelling the one man, and which was duly ejected from Holyrood? Someone from this outfit appears on the air roughly once every fortnight.

Still, the rise Trotskyism in Scotland and London, especially, is an untold story of our times. Who would have thought that, overtly and without entryism, such parties could make any progress at all? Yet, in recent years, they have done just that.


  1. My thoughts on the Trotskyists are so complicated as to take up more than one simple comment. However, I know that they're far more organized there than here in the United $tates of Amerikkka. How do you deal with them there? I find a good whack on the bum gets it done.

  2. We usually just ignore them.

    Whereas you put them in charge: the neocons are the disciples of Max Shachtman; they are those who huddled in the Trotskyist alcoves at City College of New York. They haven't recanted one word of their Trotskyism, which remains intact and is running America.
