Tuesday 20 November 2007

Calamity Clegg, But Not Buff Huhne

I was going to entitle this Snoozenight, but in fact the Newsnight debate between Clegg and Huhne was rather good.

Clegg came across as a petulant Establishment hack aghast that anyone had the temerity to ask him any questions at all. Whereas Huhne might have put in all the usual caveats, but within that came as close as he could (so that we all knew what he really meant) to expressing sensible views on Trident, immigration, and the Euro.

Clegg was vague and sounded like a Blair throwback when asked what his price would be in the event of a hung Parliament (although a Labour-Tory coalition is what would actually happen), but Huhne was explicit in calling for, and justifying, Proportional Representation and fixed-term Parliaments.

Blair is gone, and Cameron might well be gone as soon as a byelection (for which we can't have long to wait now) exposes the true level of Tory support. So why bother with Clegg? Increasingly, I don't think that they will.

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