Sunday, 21 January 2007

The Triangulator: Part Two?

As if one President Clinton were not bad enough!

The ghastly Hillary Clinton is as much of a triangulator as was, and is, her ghastly husband, never mind his preposterous public school crush-boy. She might as well have the names of her corporate sponsors stamped on her forehead. As "Co-President", she was heavily implicated in the violent dismemberment of Yugoslavia by the neocons (who then transferred their allegiance because even Bill Clinton was not bomber enough for them, but several of whom have never ceased to be registered Democrats) in the interests of a Wahhabi old SS recruitment sergeant (Alija Izetbegovic), a Holocaust denier (Franjo Tudjman) who re-created in 1990s Europe the entire panoply of 1930s Fascism, and a Wahhabi militia (the Kosovo "Liberation" Army) who insisted on wearing black shirts in deference to their Waffen SS fathers and grandfathers, and who funded themselves by smuggling the Taliban's heroin into Europe though the Italy of the Mafia that now runs "liberated" Kosovo as a fiefdom. So, of course, she voted for the necons' pro-Wahhabi war in Iraq.

So what if she is a woman? For that matter, so what if the record-free, opinion-light Barack Obama is black? She, at least, would bring the neocons straight back to the top of the Democratic Party, establishing once and for all that they were a junta which mere elections could not remove. And heaven knows what he would do. Even he doesn't seem to know.

Instead, a socially conservative economic populist, doubly bound to be anti-war, of the kind who clinched the midterms for the Democrats by calling that party back to those, its roots, should not only put up for the Democratic nomination, but should undertake from the outset to contest the election with or without that nomination. Just ask the AFL-CIO for its to 10 (economic) Presidential priorities. Just ask the leaders (not least, the black, Hispanic and "mainline" leaders) who signed up to the Alliance for Marriage for their top 10 (social) Presidential priorities. Put the two lists together and find the anti-war member of either House of Congress whose record came closest to both, if at all possible including at least eight points from each. And then run that person for President, making it clear that this was the only way of voting for any of the 16 to 20 points in question, and the only of voting for a President opposed to the neocon-Islamist war machine. Why ever not?

Thus would be lit the touchpapers across Europe, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, restoring America's leadership role in the world.

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