Wednesday, 6 September 2017

Mogged Off

Oh, well, that's the end of dear old Jacob Rees-Mogg, then.

You cannot be Prime Minister and hold the Ronnie Campbell view of same-sex marriage. You have to hold the David Cameron and Theresa May view.

Nor can you be Prime Minister and hold the John Smith, Charles Kennedy, George Galloway and Ronnie Campbell view of abortion. You have to hold the Margaret Thatcher, David Cameron and Theresa May view.

Of course, Jesus did tell us to expect certain privations.


  1. I'm not sure you have researched all those politicians you've so conveniently lined up for argument's sake. May, for instance, is clearly anti-abortion, and wants to reduce the period in which it is legal for a a pregnant woman to decide about a termination.

    1. May was totally pro-life 25 years ago, when she lived round the corner from me and was fighting a safe Labour seat. But she has since provided for the NHS in England to fund abortions for women from Northern Ireland, and today she repudiated Jacob Rees-Mogg's views on the subject. When Thatcher legislated for abortion up to birth, then she was opposed by Smith, Kennedy, Galloway and Campbell, among others. Smith and Kennedy were always totally opposed to abortion. Galloway and Campbell still are.
