Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Who Is This Person, Douglas Murray, Anyway?

In his early twenties, and armed with nothing more than a 2:2 in English, he emerged fully formed as The World's Greatest Expert On Everything.

He has since been so wrong about absolutely everything, that, as also in the case of his mate Oliver Kamm, the British Government can reasonably be said to be endorsing the genocide of the Iraqi Christians and Yazidi simply by leaving him alive.

He is now reduced to penning patronising schoolmarm tellings off of Owen Jones, who is only five years his junior, a full columnist on a national newspaper, and a far bigger-selling author. Is any of Murray's books even still in print?

Last week, he was on Newsnight, criminally inciting racial hatred against all and sundry, but most especially against Baroness Warsi, who was raised to the Peerage and appointed to the Shadow Cabinet at only one year older than Murray now is.

No sign of any of that for you, is there, Dougie? Whisper it not, but perhaps you are just not very good, you never have been, and you should never again be given any kind of public platform until the end of your days?

Some of us remember his type of Young Fogey. He was and is one of the unlikeable ones who believed that the silly costumes, and the ludicrously affected voices and mannerisms, made them intellectually superior people, but who in reality were and are as thick as mince.

Still, I suppose that one of the differences between Durham and Oxbridge is that Durham characters like that do not end up running anything. Sadly, Oxbridge ones do.

Murray, like Kamm, has always treated the electorate as beneath him. Still, he must surely regard as utterly reprehensible those Conservative MPs who have echoed Lady Warsi's concerns, or who are otherwise known to be Arabist.

Against which of them, then, is he going to contest the next General Election? Sir Nicholas Soames? Sir Peter Bottomley? Sir Peter Luff? Sir Alan Duncan? Crispin Blunt? Alistair Burt? Margot James?

After all, we know that Kamm is putting up against Gavin Shuker at Luton South in protest at the "infiltration" of his Constituency Labour Party by his church. Just as we know that Rabbi Shneur Odze, who managed to be a UKIP candidate while holding dual British-Israeli nationality, intends to repeat that trick against George Galloway at Bradford West.

But what about the Genius of His Generation, Douglas Murray?


  1. Repeal of the Human Rights Act, that most anti British and unconstitutional of laws, will once again be in the Tory manifesto.

    Only UKIP have the patriotic solution-withdrawal from the EU and this from the Convention on Human Rights which is a precondition of EU membership.

    Britain's most senior judge today says the Human Rights Act allows judges to rewrite British law and override the British Parliament.

    Anyone who supports Continental Human Rights-and that means the whole of the Labour Party and the Lib Dems and even some Tories-is against British sovereignty.

    You can't be in favour of both.

    Now let's see who goes into 2015 promising to restore British common law and Parliamentary sovereignty and who goes into 2015 supporting "Human Rights".

    1. Anything at all could be in the next Tory manifesto, the point at which I and everyone else stopped reading.

      Or in the one after that. Or in the one after that. Or in the one after that.

      On topic, please.
