Due to a certain generational glut, the criminal drug use with which the middle-aged embarrass their non-indulging teenage and twentysomething offspring currently has the cultural status of being technically illegal, but nothing more than that.
According to the ageing and dwindling participants in that activity, this means that in 40 years' time, the legislation itself will long ago have been repealed, such that people then in their teens and twenties will marvel that it ever existed.
We have been here before.
40 years ago, due to a certain generational glut, sex between adults and post-pubescent children had the cultural status of being technically illegal, but nothing more than that.
According to the participants in that activity, 40 years later, the legislation itself would long ago have been repealed, such that people then in their teens and twenties would marvel that it had ever existed.
Here we are, 40 years later.
The legislation against sex between adults and post-pubescent children is not only still on the books, but is considerably clearer and stronger than it was then, and is enforced vigorously and rigorously with the strongest possible societal approval.
In 40 years' time, the same will be true of the drug laws, with appeals to the distant past, to foreign jurisdictions, to supposedly "iconic" cultural figures or works, and to allegedly comparable activities, dismissed in exactly the same way as they now are when they are still trotted out in defence of pederasty.
Essential, absolutely essential.