Thursday 6 January 2011

Labour's IDS?

Would that be IDS the bold and original thinker, IDS the hands-on activist, IDS the man who took his party to parity and beyond in the polls while making it the largest party in local government? He was so good that the media had to get rid of him, lest he had turned the 2005 Election into a proper contest. In his place, with no reference to his party, they installed a man who duly took that party down to a third humiliation while preparing the ground for a Leader utterly contrived and confected by the media.

Next Friday, when a three-way marginal has become a safe Labour seat, will they finally get the message about the man with the comfortable lead of several months' standing? No, of course not. "It's Oop North, so it must always have had a Labour majority of a million, and The Wrong Miliband has therefore been humiliated," they will say. "It should have been his brother." Course it should, dear. Course it should.

Check out the disgraceful choice of callers in to today's Jeremy Vine. Anything, anything at all, to stop the 2015 Election from being what the 1997 Election would have been if fate had not taken so tragic a turn.

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