Monday 10 January 2011

Don't Give Them The Satisfaction

I can see the Lib Dem leaflets now:

"Labour/The Tories/Derwentside Independents/Whoever are spending one fifth of the Parish Council's budget by forcing a contest at this by-election. With two seats to fill on Thursday, would they have been prepared to waste 40% of the budget on this?"

It is not as if there are two Labour, Conservative or Derwentside Independents activists in Lanchester who are not already on the Parish Council. There are not two Lib Dem activists in Lanchester at all. If there are, then who are they, and where have they been hiding up to now?

Don't give the Lib Dems the satisfaction. Let them have their two seats, don't expect them to turn up, and then take great pleasure in turfing them out at the next election of the full Council.

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