Thursday 13 January 2011

Blood Libel

That all opposition to the Iraq War was anti-Semitic.

That was said routinely at the time, and for a long time thereafter. They all did it. Every one of them. I suspect that certain British sites only stopped when, on this blog and elsewhere, I lately started making a fuss about it. It still crops up from time to time.

The people presently berating Sarah Palin put it into print or onto the airwaves every single day for months, and regularly for years. They have never expressed one word of remorse, either for that or for their catastrophic war itself.


  1. If my experience online holds true, in the US the common accusation was being 'anti-American' or some variation there of. But even that was uncommon.

    Facts rarely got in the way of those who were pro-sanctions or pro-war. But the discussions were usually rather civil as long as Israel didn't come into the conversation.
