Thursday 13 August 2009

Desert Rats

Of course the Saudis are behind the Wahhabi terrorism in Iraq. They are behind Wahhabi, Deobandi and Salafi terrorism wherever it exists. They always have been. Including in New York and Washington on 11th September 2001.

We have taken out one of the Arab world’s two main bulwarks against both Sunni and Shi’ite activity of this kind, although thankfully we now seem to have given up on taking out the other one, in Syria. And we have deprived Iraq’s Sunni Arabs of the only alternative focus for their identity, a party which existed before Saddam Hussein and would have existed after the death or other demise of someone who was already an old man.

As someone once said, “Thank you, thank you, George Bush”. And John Howard. And our own dear Tony Blair.

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