Monday, 17 August 2009

The Co-operative: Good With Healthcare?

It's an interesting idea. But until there is a universal public option, there will always be the agitation for one. Might as well get it over with. Why do those who identify as conservatives want to line with with enormously big business and its political lobbyists in order to spend twice as much of GDP as we do, even though our system covers everyone from the cradle to the grave? It is as crazy as self-identifying conservatives' support for wars here, there and everywhere.

1 comment:

  1. The difference is one of wording. The NHS is made up of semi-autonomous self-governing trusts, it's not run out of Whitehall.

    No doubt those agitating against healthcare reform have been led to believe a public option means Gosplan opening up in Washington.

    Good move, politically.
