Thursday 13 August 2009

Pass George Osborne On The Far Left Hand Side

Now that Demos no longer employs Phillip Blond, I can go back to telling the truth about it.

The Cameroons’ favourite think tank, other than that forgers’ den owned by Michael Gove, was one of several continuation operations created out of the rubble of the Communist Party of Great Britain. However, it appointed an unrepentant old Trotskyist from back in the day, Geoff Mulgan, as its Director.

Since it combined the Stalinist and Trotskyist heritages, and since it did so at the heart of faaaashionable London’s pseudo-academia, its influence over New Labour was massive, almost incalculable.

And now, its influence over the New Tories, who have in George Osborne a Number Two and Heir Apparent without one per cent of the independent brain power of Gordon Brown, is set to be at least as great.

Mulgan, meanwhile, is on for a peerage and Ministerial office under Cameron. Without repudiating even the tiniest detail of his past. Well, of course not.

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