Thursday 4 June 2009

Not A Fantasy, A Nightmare

A reporter on The World At One spoke of Labour MPs' anger at the media's talking up of "a fantasy coup", a leadership challenge while in government being practically impossible under Labour Party rules.

But mirroring the long-planned takeover of America in 2000 by those whose Trotskyist alcove had warred with the Stalinist alcove at City College of New York, we have already suffered, not a fantasy coup, but a nightmare coup.

A coup by the Communist Party of Great Britain (John Reid, Peter Mandelson), the paid agents of an enemy power. A coup by the International Marxist Group (Alistair Darling, Geoff Gallop - Tony Blair's mentor at Oxford). A coup by Trotskyists (Stephen Byers, Alan "Haze of Dope" Milburn). A coup by Labour's Soviet fellow-travelling faction that long controlled the NUS (certainly Charles Clarke, probably also Jack Straw).

A coup by those who moved in IRA fundraising circles in the 1970s (Tony McNulty). A coup by those who provided legal cover for the Paedophile Information Exchange and Paedophile Action for Liberation (Harriet Harman, Patricia Hewitt). A coup by those who sang, not The Red Flag, but The Internationale, at the funerals of Donald Dewar and Robin Cook.

And so on and on, and on.

With Geoff Mulgan on for a peerage and Ministerial office under Cameron, these people show absolutely no sign of being overthrown any time soon. Truly, they are the masters now.

In the meantime, Mandy or Milly for Foreign Secretary? One is a hardline Likudnik and European federalist who emerged from the rubble of the Communist Party via the court of the fugitive war criminal Tony Blair. And the other is a hardline Likudnik and European federalist who emerged from the rubble of the Communist Party via the court of the fugitive war criminal Tony Blair. But one is in certain ways capable of being Foreign Secretary. While the other is just some dead professor's son.

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