Friday 19 June 2009

Total Boycott

They couldn't do this in France. There would be riots at the merest hint that they might be considering it.

Historically, it was Labour governments that acted to protect jobs, wages and working conditions by restricting immigration accordingly. No "free" market rubbish there, and rightly not. Far more like Gaullism, or Christian Democracy, or the conservative Democrats, all currently on the march while our three neoliberal parties cannot collectively reach anything like twenty per cent of the eligible electorate.

That party no longer exists. So no wonder that leaders of the Lindsey oil refinery workers headed the lists for No2EU - Yes To Democracy both in Yorkshire and the Humber and in the East Midlands.

But, of course, our very own Council of Guardians - Fleet Street and the BBC - blacked them out. At least the Iranian system, of simply keeping people off the ballot in the first place, is honest and above board.

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