Sunday 14 June 2009

Iraq Inquiry

Into Blair’s blood money?

If not, why not?

1 comment:

  1. The current Prime Minister Gordon Brown had appointed a “secret commission” to study if his predecessor and the British Government were wrong or had committed some wrongdoings, which pushed the UK to support not only diplomatically but militarily also the invasion of Iraq, knowing that the regime ruling there didn’t have any WMD as the UN mission headed by Hans Blix had stated repeatedly, even a British scientist who gave his opinion to the BBC died in very strange circumstances, which were investigated by a wonderful journalist who is paying right now the audacity of telling what was her conclusion, that the scientist was murdered. But what I consider a total scandal is that this commission must search the truth “privately” when everybody knows that a bunch of extremists in Washington DC, Dick Cheney, Rumsfeld, Karl Rove and others were decided to invade Iraq with or without the consent of the UN Security Council, the USA and the UK had violated all treaties of Public International Law and the UN Charter.
