Tuesday 4 December 2007

Oliver Who?

I don't begrudge Oliver Kamm his ambitions to be an opinion-former just because he doesn't need the money. Tony Benn and Michael Foot didn't need the money. Polly Toynbee and Taki don't need the money. And so one could go on.

But did it never occur to Kamm that the way to make friends a d influence people in such circles was not to persecute, from the position of not needing to work and so of having vast amounts of time and other resources at one's disposal, an established freelance journalist who happened to give one's book a bad review?

Now anyone who has ever heard of Kamm at all has done so mostly or only because of his vendetta against Neil Clark. No wonder that even the articles in The Times seem to have dried up: not even Stephen Pollard is still prepared to be tainted by this association.

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