Monday 3 December 2007

Buff Huhne After All

Oh dear, Chris Huhne. The planning permission that David Abrahams obtained for Durham Green Business Park was granted, not by Durham County Council (the first council that Labour ever won, and which it has never lost since), but by Durham City Council. Which is controlled by - wait for it - the Lib Dems.


  1. Hello David. I'm sure this isn't the best post to leave this comment - sorry. But I have a question.

    I am disabled (I use a wheelchair). I am interested to know what policies the British People's Alliance has towards disabled people, what your views are on the changes to disability rights laws over the last few years, and what you would do to help disabled people into employment and support them once they are there.

    Thank you!

  2. I will post on this in the next few days.
