Monday 7 March 2022


Across China, India and Russia, nearly three billion people have just started trading with each other in currencies that are not the United States dollar. In partnership with China's Unionpay, Russia's state owned Sberbank is to replace Visa and MasterCard with a new card system called MIR. Vast tracts of Africa and Asia, in particular, either formally abstained, or did not register a vote, when the UN General Assembly resolved to condemn the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The New World Order is taking shape.

Who would want to shop using a card that had been issued by the Russian and Chinese states? Well, who wanted to have their Moscow or St Petersburg Metro tickets cancelled by Apple or Google Pay? Some boy in Silicon Valley, or worse still Nick Clegg, can push a button and just delete you from the conversation, while the tech giants and the banks, and with them the spooks, know every penny that you spend on your card, when they let you keep it at all. In Canada, they are already freezing the bank accounts of people with the wrong political opinions.


  1. Global Britain? More like Tunnel Vision.

    1. Although not any of the tunnels on the Belt and Road.
