Wednesday 16 March 2022

An Influencing Factor

If and when the case of Child Q ever came to court, then her assailants ought to be asked under oath when, exactly, they had ever known a teenager to hide drugs in her vagina while she was menstruating. Would they have done this to a white girl? Probably not. And they would certainly never have done it to a posh white girl. Section 2.18 of the report into this case says that:

Over the same period, 25 children under the age of 18 were subject of ‘further searches’. 19 were male and 18 were handcuffed during the process. The reasons for search primarily related to suspicions about drugs (20), followed by weapons (4) and stolen property (1). 22 (88%) of the searches were negative with an outcome of no further action recorded in 20 (80%) of the cases. In terms of ethnicity, (as per the codes used by the police), 15 (60%) of the children searched were Black, 2 were White, 6 Asian and 2 Arab or North African.

Hackney is the third poorest London Borough. It would be fascinating to see the figures for Bexley, the third richest. Drugs are not exactly unheard of among well-heeled teenagers. But the tone is set, so to speak, by having a Leader of the Opposition who as Director of Public Prosecutions refused to prosecute the racist killers of Jean Charles de Menezes, and by having a Shadow Home Secretary who as Work and Pensions Secretary imposed the Work Capability Assessment. Truly, there is One Struggle, and it is the struggle against them.


  1. They have been suspended, the arc is bending.

    1. That is a start, yes. And what about the school? Prosecute all concerned.
