Friday 16 November 2018

Where Fashion Sits

Claire Perry is a rich man's bored wife whose hobby got out of hand. Many Conservative politicians are like that, or have been. Theresa May is one such. Margaret Thatcher was another, as was Shirley Porter. But the phenomenon is not confined to the Conservative Party. Step forward, for example, Margaret Hodge.

Nevertheless, Perry has gone too far this time, calling Jeremy Corbyn an "anti-Semite" on Question Time. Not only should he sue her, but few people realise, although he certainly would, that Question Time is fairly heavily edited. Therefore, Corbyn ought also to sue the production company and the BBC. 

This is the Leader of a Labour Party that he has single-handedly taken from bankrupt to loaded, with more trade union support than any other Labour Leader in history. Take them to the Writs, Jeremy. Take them to the Writs.

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