Monday 8 September 2014

The Great Man

I hope that that panda is feeling well and truly put in her place.

Notice that the writers of Coronation Street and EastEnders are now writing the news:

Scotland: I'm leaving!
England: I'm pregnant!

Cue the theme tune.

Seriously, I suppose that there does have to be a Prime Minister. As of tonight, and with the full support of all three parties, that is Gordon Brown. With no Opposition.

What was that one before him called? Oh, who cares? Assuming that your answer is not "David Cameron". It might as well be.

And what's that? Why wasn't devomax on the ballot paper, then? Again, as of tonight, who cares? Nor would it take years to deliver.

Brown not only gave Labour a record vote in Scotland, where it lost not a single seat in 2010 (nor did the SNP gain any), but he was never all that unpopular in England, either. Certainly, the media darling Cameron failed to win an overall majority against him.

Reports of his retirement from the Commons next year may very well turn to have been pure wishful thinking on the part of enemies who, as of tonight, ought themselves to be considering their positions.

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