Sunday, 14 September 2014

Concilio et Labore?

In Manchester as in Rotherham, it is about class.

I told you.

As for that Yorkshire UKIP MEP sending death threats to herself, does she think that we are all politically as naive as UKIP is?


  1. Someone has rattled your cage today. An MEP getting death threats is making them up. David Cameron has the blood of David Haynes on his hands. Every time there is a left-wing event they should send people to demonstrate outside Nick Robinson's house. No less than eight tweets calling for Robinson to be sacked plus another one calling him a liar. At least two warning one of your enemies' relatives, even small children, to stay out of Lanchester and copied to his employer. Bad hair day, David?

  2. And just noticed the one to Damian Thompson calling him "the biggest racist in Britain" and the one to Oliver Kamm saying Martin Bell would have deserved to be beaten up by Ian Paisley's goons because he was Kamm's uncle. All in one day, you are busy.
