Monday, 1 September 2014

The Coalition of the Willing

American airstrikes are now being launched in support of Iranian-backed militia fighters on the ground against IS.

Those militias are enmeshed in the Iraqi Army. The breakup of that country would be unconscionable.


  1. What? The Iraqi Government was always Iranian backed. The Shia are the majority in Iraq and in a "democracy" they'll always dominate and brutalise everyone else in Iraq as they were before ISIS.

    The breakup of a Iraq is the only civilised option.

    It should never have been created.

    Unless you think the Baathist regime that gassed Kurds, tortured women and children and starved half a million Shia children to death was a successful country...

    In which case you need help.

    Iraq always had to be broken up.

    And we have finally realised an independent Kurdistan is the best bulwark against IS. Of course.

    1. Except that, very clearly, we have "realised" no such thing. The Americans are not bombing anyone from the air on behalf of the ground forces seeking that.

  2. Lindsay obviously doesn't realise the West has been directly arming the Kurdish forces seeking independence for over a month:

    Do the "keep Iraq together at all costs" fanatics realise what that means in practice?

    An eternal Iranian and Saudi sponsored civil war between Sunni, Shia and Kurd (not to mention the poor Christians and Yazidis etc) in between occasional bouts of oppressive Iranian backed Shia rule?

    Iraq isn't a country, it's a mess on a map. Break it up now.

    To do so would be to do no more than to honour the promise we made the Kurdish people at the conclusion of World War One (and shamefully broke) when we guaranteed them an independent state.

    1. You'll see. The people who talk to me do not only talk to me.

      Partitioning Iraq would be beyond catastrophic.
