Wednesday 9 April 2014

That Strange Man At Number 10

An email brings together two of yesterday's posts.
David Cameron caused the enactment of retroactive legislation to protect from prosecution those men who had had sex with 16 and 17-year-old boys.
Before then, such pederasts would still have been liable to prison terms for what were criminal offences at the time that they were committed.
But not now.
I have spent years and years trying to tell you about what was once the New Right. Just as I did trying to tell about what was once the New Left.
A newspaper finally noticed the latter, a decade after I had begun to go on about it, long after the three main players had become a has-been, a has-been's husband, and a returnee to the other side of the world.
Not a word had been said, by those paid an absolute fortune to say such words, when the has-been and the returnee had been Cabinet Ministers.
Ho, hum. A year after Margaret Thatcher's death, how about something on Peter Morrison, who is possibly now powerless enough to attract the attention even of the British media, in that both he and his patroness are dead?
But let us not so much as bother to hope for anything on the fact that David Cameron is the only Prime Minister ever to have legalised sexual acts with children that were illegal at the time that they occurred.


  1. A has-been?

    She's been kept on as Deputy Leader of Labour in the full knowledge of what she did and without even an apology.

    Maria Miller is forced out over claiming for a house despite an apology and a repayment- Harriet Harman is kept in for defending paedophiles without so much as a word of contrition.

    At least we know Labour has no standards at all.

  2. No, it just proves that she is a has-been. In a position from which, in any case, you can't be sacked. There is no procedure for doing it. But she mattered when I first started going on about this. She hasn't for years now.
