Friday, 4 April 2014

Paper Cutting

How bad is the Telegraph's spat with the Coalition over Maria Miller going to become?

To the fury of the crowd below the line, it now devotes enormous energy to telling its readers how much it despises UKIP.

In any case, while columnists and guest op-ed writers are one thing, no serious newspaper would ever advocate a vote for that as a matter of editorial policy.

The ball is in Labour's court.

If it could just persuade the Telegraph to say "stay at home, because none of them is worth voting for", then it could be in landslide territory.

And that is before mentioning the Mail.


  1. Like Peter Hitchens, I must commend the excellent new blog Conservative Woman.

    Whose main aim is to show that, in order to be a politically-active woman, one does not have to be a Left-wing radical.

    I wish there were more women like them, and less women like Stella "LetToysBeToys" Creasy and Harriet "Harperson" in Parliament.

    But then, as Peter Hitchens rightly concludes, non-radical women tend not to enter politics in the first place.

    Since such women tend to think raising children is more important than hiring "childcare" so they can become Cabinet Ministers.

  2. You didn't read that before you posted it, did you?
