Wednesday 7 December 2011

Putting The Bull Into Bulldog

Apart from the message to Durham County Council, among others, from that pro-life Catholic and Co-operative Party stalwart, Jim Dobbin, what was there to report from today's PMQs?

More than once, silly planted questions suggested, as did Cameron himself, that the party that had kept Britain out of the euro wanted to join, whereas in fact it is their own party which has never ruled that out, and would lose not only the Lib Dems in the Cabinet, but also at least one of its own, if it ever did so.

Gordon Brown was ritually denounced without any mention of the fact that the Government has now accepted that he was right all along and is proceeding to implement a dangerously watered down, Blairy variation of his programme.

When, exactly, did Labour "give away power after power"? By 1997, the Treaty of Rome, Thatcher's Single European Act and the Maastricht Treaty had ensured that there were next to no powers left to give away.

And as for Ed Miliband's Leadership being in trouble, perhaps it is, but only because he is more Eurosceptical than the Government and leads a party more popular than the media's approved vehicle for Blairism. Iain Duncan Smith was deposed, entirely on the rolling news channels, for that, If, as I do not expect, Ed Miliband goes, then it will for the same shameful reasons and by the same shameful means.

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