Wednesday 2 March 2011

Back On Track

Train-building returns to County Durham.

This Coalition is bad. It is very bad. But it is not all bad.


  1. Off-topic comments removed. Even though they did provide a fascinating insight into the New Labour remnant's sneering indifference towards mere jobs and mere public services. In Blair's old constituency, in fact.

  2. I for one welcome the return of one of our traditional northern industries. David - you should have known that the Blairites would not be happy with this, having done their best to kill off our traditional base over the last 13 years. I urge you not to pay any attention to them or their discredited policies. They inhabit their own little world, harbouring absurd delusions of grandeur and spouting reams of gibberish every day. They arrogantly assume that they are entitled to a seat in one House or the other, the only difficult question being which one!

    We need an alternative to Blairism-Thatcherism modelled on the vision David has long championed: one-nation politics based on patriotism and traditional social democracy. We need an interventionist industrial policy (which requires a government with an understanding of heterodox principles), a Burkean respect for local religious and civic traditions and a realist foreign policy based on the ideas of Morgenthau. I would also add a healthy dose of Oakeshottian cautiousness to the policy mix. Only then can we can throw off our Thatcherite shackles and build our ‘Brasilias of the north’.

  3. So, what are you doing about it, Thomas?

  4. David, take note.

    Thomas Roller

    T Roller




  5. Yes, but it was too well-read a comment not to put up.
