Friday 2 July 2010


Anyone who wanted an amnesty for illegal immigrants could and should have voted for John McCain, and presumably did so. One assumes that Congressman Joe "You Lie, Boy" Wilson did not vote for Senator Lindsey Grahamnesty, but instead for his Democratic opponent, the Ron Paul activist Bob Conley...

Ninety-five per cent of blacks, the people most opposed to mass and illegal immigration or to any erosion of America as an English-speaking country, voted for Obama. By contrast, the Hispanics (and a pair of globetrotting uncles have given me a cousin who is now a Latina immigrant in Miami, to match the one who comes off solidly Palin-loving stock in Texas) kept Hillary Clinton's nuisance candidacy going for months on end.

1 comment:

  1. Very true. Working-class, African-American males have been disproportionately injured by mass illegal immigration, which works to depress wages in sectors like construction.
