Monday 3 December 2007

Save It Till The Morning After

Grabbing a spot of luncheon, I heard a most animated discussion on Jeremy Vine, about the dispensing of the morning after pill (not a contraceptive, but an abortifacient) over the counter by pharmacists to girls as young as 12, if not even younger than that; a friend of mine tells me of recently signing on a newly turned 18-year-old who was accompanied by her son aged seven.

Why is anyone remotely surprised? It is more than twenty years since everyone permitted any say in the matter decided to treat 13 as the age of consent entirely regardless of the law of the land, and now even that is not being enforced. Those with such a say included, of course, the government of the day, still regarded by great swathes of opinion as having effected some sort of counter-revolution against 1960s permissiveness. Nothing could be further from the case. And until we all grasp that fact, then we cannot begin to understand what was really going on the 1980s, and thus what is really going on today.


  1. Why arent you posting questions about your party's policies? Surely you wouldnt criticise current policy without having some idea of how you would tackle the situation differently?
