Wednesday, 3 July 2019

Is Tanya Gold A Journalist?

Not if this is anything to go by. 

Chris Williamson "defended Jackie Walker, who thinks Holocaust Memorial Day is too Judeo-centric"? It is, rather. You would never know from it that there had been any other victims. 

"He defended Pete Willsman, who thinks that British rabbis are in league with Donald Trump"? They are. Indeed, the supposed Moral Arbiter of the Nation, Jonathan Sacks, is an occasional speechwriter for Mike Pence. 

"He defended Marc Wadsworth who, at the launch of the Chakrabarti Report, complained about the lack of BAME attendees"? There was just such a lack. 

"And while there also accused a Jewish MP of being in league with the Daily Telegraph"? She was. She does not even deny it. She objects only to the fact that a ghastly little Coloured person pointed it out. For that, he was expelled from the Labour Party.

You catch the drift, I am sure. Meanwhile, the silence from Laura Pidcock on the subject of Chris Williamson has become the silence of Laura Pidcock on the subject of Jeremy Hunt's remarks about Jeremy Corbyn and Auschwitz. Corbyn should insist that Pidcock's speaking slot at the Durham Miners' Gala be given to Williamson instead.

I will stand for Parliament here at North West Durham even if I can raise only the deposit, which I could do by going pretty overdrawn, although that was not how I was brought up. I would still prefer to raise the £10,000 necessary to mount a serious campaign, but I am no longer making my candidacy conditional on having done so. In any event, please email Very many thanks.

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