Friday 25 January 2019

Pray For Nick Sandmann

Yes, I called the Covington Boys "privileged pricks" a couple of days ago. I do not retract that. But it is clear that they are basically good kids, because it is perfectly possible to be both, the first from time to time, but the second underlyingly. And they were the boys there, while Nathan Phillips and the Black Hebrew Israelites, not to say the chaperones, were supposedly the men.

No, a black boy of Nick Sandmann's age would not have been invited on television to state his case. But that is not Sandmann's fault. Yes, a black boy of Sandmann's age or younger might be shot dead by the Police, or by a white householder, or by whoever, simply for being in the wrong place at the wrong time, and little or nothing would be done about it. But that is not Sandmann's fault, either.

Now, however, he and his friends have become poster boys for people who do not share, for example, the view that he expressed to Phillips that everyone descended from Africa, anyway. Of course, that is not a view at all. That is a fact. But it is not a fact acknowledged by some of those to whom the Covington Boys are now heroes. Those newfound fans also agree with the Black Hebrew Israelites about rather a lot.

The March for Life and the Indigenous Peoples March should never have been held on the same day, as if they were rival events. Sandmann shows signs, doubtless shared with at least some of his classmates, of understanding why that was regrettable. He and they need plenty of prayer to keep them on that righteous path. And laborare est orare. The Lord has no hands but our hands to do His Work here below.

Pray for Nick Sandmann, who is potentially a very articulate leader even in the near future and then for many decades to come. Pray for the Covington Boys. Pray with your words, as we can all do. And if you can, then pray by your deeds. If you can, then you must.

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