Tuesday, 14 October 2014


This is what a sovereign state looks like. America should try it sometime. Americans might like it.

274 to 12, with Jeremy Corbyn and Mike Wood as tellers for the Noes in order to force a division.

Yes, that's right. The other side was refusing to put up tellers, so frightened was it of exposing its own tininess.

But that tininess has been exposed, anyway. 

The votes in favour and the tellers added up to precisely 23 times the number of votes against. Twenty-three times.

If none of this mattered, then why did the Israelis lobby so hard against it, and why are their partisans so angry about it?

Matthew Offord read out a foreign embassy's press release as his speech in a House of Commons debate. There needs to be firm action, both against him and against the Israeli Ambassador.

Only six of the 12 were Conservatives, not even one in 50 Conservative MPs. None was Labour.

Douglas Carswell did not vote against. Or, indeed, at all.

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