Monday 14 March 2011

Miliband And Balls Have No "Credibility Gap"

With a poll rating in the mid-forties even before the cuts start to be felt in earnest, they don't need "credibility", certainly not with the tribally anti-Labour sections of the media. They are going to win, anyway. The next General Election will be truly epoch-making, in that a party will run against both the (ideologically Blairite, and therefore pro-Cameron) BBC and (tribally "Tory", and therefore pro-Cameron) Fleet Street, and will still win. Whether or not it will deserve to win is a different question. But it is going to win all the same.

The BBC put Cameron in, first as Leader and then as Prime Minister, precisely because he has been its ideological standard-bearer since Blair left. Whereas the "Tory" papers are bound to support the Conservative Party no matter what, if anything, that party might happen to stand for. Otherwise, they would have declared for UKIP years ago. But they never have, and they never will. So Miliband will be running against practically the entire media. When he beats them, as everyone realistically expects him to do, then it will be a very great day indeed.

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