Monday 7 February 2011

Beyond Convention

When the great and the good of the Liberal Establishment, the likes of retired senior judges and Lord Carlile, have the ECHR in their sights, then hope really is at hand.

As with the EU, forget reform at the centre. Never going to happen. Instead, all rulings of the ECHR, of the ECJ, or of the "Supreme Court" should have effect in the United Kingdom only by resolution of the House of Commons, the High Court of Parliament.


  1. "High Court of Parliament" - many of whose "judges/jurors" are rapskillion rogues who line their own pockets and do not care about their constituents if they have a safe constituency.

    However you have an idealist view of it all. So lets just say that as a "court", it is a body that is supposed to deliver justice and not the will of the mob. There is a difference. France 1789 is a good example.

    Fancy hanging Bulger murderers when they were in primary school. Why not. Many Brits wanted that to happen.

  2. And we have a Parliament in order to prevent such things.
