Friday, 4 February 2011

All Realists Together

Some of Ahmadinejad's voters may not like the reserved Jewish, Armenian, Assyrian and Zoroastrian representation, although I do not know that for certain, but neither he nor any other figure of any significance proposes to abolish it. If Hezbollah ever seriously believed in velayat-e faqih as the basis of the state, then it long ago ceased to do so, at least if the exercise of that guardianship was to be confined in practice to Shi'ite or even to Muslim clerics and scholars, and instead more than accepted that Lebanon was Lebanon.

It is by no means unknown for Christians to vote, and even to stand, for Hamas, and they do not really have anywhere else to go now that Fatah's sell-out of Christian Jerusalem has been exposed. The formal ideology of Hamas would be changed as much as that of Hezbollah was by alliance with The Twelve Tribes of Christian Palestine: Greek Orthodox, Latin Catholic, Armenian Orthodox, Coptic Orthodox, Syrian Orthodox, Melkite Catholic, Ethiopian Orthodox, Maronite Catholic, Anglican, Lutheran, Syrian Catholic, and Armenian Catholic. Quite how much practical change would really be required is altogether a different question. The same can be said of any equally reality-accepting deal with Israel, were any such deal on offer from the reality-deniers, of whom more anon.

And what of Hamas's parent, making Hamas British intelligence's grandchild, the Muslim Brotherhood? Incidents from its prehistory and from its ancient history are picked out and then wildly misrepresented, as are effusions from its louder-mouthed internal dissidents, while features of Mubarak's Egypt, some of which can also be said of Britain and of numerous other places, are bizarrely blamed on the outlawed opposition. But representative figures from the commanding heights of the party have made it perfectly clear what the Brothers realistically accept as the future of Egypt. And that, combined with the examples of Iran and Hezbollah, and increasingly the example of Hamas, strongly suggest that the Coptic interest could be included and taken account of in a polity obviously including and taking account of, but just as obviously not dominated by, Al-Ikhwān.

Leaving only the nutters. Those who continue to defend the removal of the protection of Christian Mesopotamia, which stands on the brink of wholesale destruction as a result. Those who back the Saudi proxies in Lebanon. The utterly uncompromising Islamists who run the NATO, and putatively EU, member-state of Turkey, together with their secular ultranationalist rivals, whose equal hosility towards the ancient indigenous Christians is positively Mubarakesque. Those who, at the behest of those Turks in both categories, of Mubarak, and of the Gulf despots, want to nuke Iran, although they routinely pretend to be concerned at single deaths there, as Melanie Phillips did on last night's Question Time. Those who want to subject the Christians in Syria to the same fate as those in Iraq. And the ruling coalition that recalls the old joke about why there could not be an alliance between the Herstigte Nasionale Party and the Conservative Party of South Africa: "The HNP wants to drive the Bantu into the sea, but the CP will not allow Bantu on the beaches".


  1. Loving your comments on Toby Young's blog on this. You really have the measure of him and his half-educated fan club.

    You can be his archenemy Julie Burchill, brilliant autodidact. You can be David Lindsay, brilliant anything-but-autodidact. But please God don't be Toby Young.

  2. I think your remark about Young's father was a bit low even if it was true, but you obviously know far more about this subject than him and his Tea Party claque.

    You will know that this sort of rubbish, not only by him, is put up to generate US hits. Young, Gardiner, Coughlin, Daley, even Delingpole although he is not as bad.

    You didn't pick up on someone's comment about Damian Thompson's endless Catholic themed posts that never mention the age old communities in the Middle East.

  3. I leave that one to others, Cleopatra.

    But I don't disagree: Damian "Look How Catholic I Am" Thompson needs to be be called out, as Americans put it, for what amounts to his cheerleading against the ancient indigenous Catholic and other Christian communities in Asia Minor, Mesopotamia and the Levant.

    Now, on topic, please.

  4. Is it on topic to thank you for correcting some T Young puppet/muppet who falsely claimed that the Muslim Brotherhood was affiliated to the Socialist Internation along with Labour when in fact it is Mubarak's NDP?

    Presumably you think neither of them should be or else no British party should be?

  5. Also just had a look over after reading you on Toby Young's blog. Your long initial comment, based on this post and your earler one re: Egypt, was a million times better than the original post and everybody could see it. But you are not the son of the man who invented the word meritocracy. Funny to us but lost on him.

    No one can complain about the tone of your comments considering that you were screamed off over there by people who resented seeing a university contemporary when they thought it should have been themselves. At least the attacks on Young, NeoCon, Nile Gardiner and the rest are based on what they write. Including the comments from you. Keeping them coming.

  6. My favourite was when someone made a remark about the Daily Mail and you explained how Young's post would never have passed muster on that superior paper. Not quite your words, but the point was clear.

    You are not angling for your Telegraph blog back, clearly. Accurately telling them that they are worse than the Mail. Worked out that they only ever set you up as a target for abuse by Sarah Palin supporters and their BNP voting British wannabes. Even though Thompson knew you were ill. Charming.

    But in that case, if you don't take on that ostentatiously pious man over his support for the genocide of Arab Christians and opposition to the region's most pro-Christian states, who will? Someone has to.

  7. The Socialist International has jsut expelled the NDP:-
