Saturday 1 May 2010

Farsi Feminism

Of course Iran has won a seat on UN Commission on the Status of Women. There are more women than men at university in Iran, and women enjoy full political rights there, unless you are one of those people who think that no one does merely because the candidate favoured by spoilt, petulant adolescents didn't win.

Iran will provide an important voice for those who do not believe that the key to the status of women is the abortion of baby girls, or the packing of young women and teenage girls full of highly powerful drugs in order to make them permanently available for the gratification of men.

Although countries that bankroll Hillary Clinton's Presidential ambitions are exempt, as they are from having to give the vote to women or to anyone else. In fact, if they had said so, then President Hillary would have nuked Iran.

1 comment:

  1. Well, Mousavi was at the very top of TIME Magazine's 2010 poll for the 100 most influential people. And Lady Gagag was ranked 5th. I wonder if there is a connection here.
