Friday 6 February 2009

Kosovo: An EU Satrapy, Like Britain

Daniel Hannan writes:

I'm back to Pactio Olisipiensis censenda est. The topic this time was Kosovo, which the EU runs as a satrapy. Kosovars are no more sovereign now than they were 20 years ago: their parliament and courts are subject to an appointed Euro-Commissar, their security forces run by Brussels, even their flag and national anthem have been modelled on the EU's. Kosovo, in short, has replaced rule from Belgrade with rule from Brussels.

At the same time, Serbs in Kosovo are likewise being denied self-determination. Here we see the EU's most elemental and insistent philosophy: that national autonomy is always and everywhere a bad thing. Neither Serbian nor Albanian Kosovans can have it; and nor, for that matter, can the British or the Irish, the French or the Dutch.

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