Sunday 1 February 2009

Frank Speaking

British jobs for British workers, says Frank Field.


  1. Does Frank Field know about the BPA? Have you thought about allowing him to run as a "Labour and BPA" candidate next time, like "Labour and Cooperative"? I'm sure he'd be eager.

  2. He'd be breaking Labour Party rules if he did that.

    But he is aware of our work.

  3. How is he aware of your work? You don't seem to have got much publicity as yet. Do you mean only that you've sent him a letter? Why don't you fix a meeting with him and get him to sign up?

  4. Who says that we keep in touch with people for the publicity?

    He even very graciously wrote back (more than some people could manage...) to decline to write for a book which never did come to pass due to my sudden hospitalisation, but which may now happen after all. And he would still be more than welcome.

  5. Right - so in other words, he declined an offer to write something for you. And, er, that's it. Lots of people would decline to write for you - including those who are too busy, and those who disagree with you. The fact that you emailed him and asked him to write a chapter hardly counts as justification for your implicit assumption that he supports your work.

  6. I never said that he "supported" it, although in many ways, of course, he and we are in agreement. Though not all.

    In any case, I do not intend to discuss private correspondence on here.

    The day of a proper mass political movement that is economically social democratic, morally and socially conservative, and patriotic both in relation to the United Kingdom and in relation to the Commonwealth, is coming, and even YOU are rattled enough that you must have noticed.

    Within that, all sorts of ties are emerging or have existed for years. And, I say again, even YOU are rattled enough that you must have noticed.

    The Westminster Village as we have known for the last dozen or more years is about to be burnt down. And not before time. You will no longer be able to impose your wholly alien ideology by means of the votes of ever-fewer people simply by refusing to give anyone any alternative at the ballot box.
