Friday 2 January 2009

Unfair Fares

Yet further exorbitant increases in the cost of going from anywhere to anywhere else in this country. You would never believe that a third of households do not have a car, or that those vehicles can only be run on imported fuel. We need a national network of public transport free at the point of use, centred on publicly owned railways. Make it happen.


  1. A third of households do not have a car? Why not?

  2. Can't afford one, nowhere to keep one, or both.

    I don't really do New Year's resolutions, but I think I might finally learn to drive in 2009.

    Of course, having a driving license and having a car are two different things, and parking in Durham is a hassle that I could do without. But even so, it would be good to have a license at last, I feel.

  3. I thought you hated cars.

  4. Not at all. I just hate a transport policy dependent on them, and thus on imported fuel, the discouragement of social interaction, the tearing up of the countryside, the cutting up of communities, and the exclusion of the poor.
