Wednesday 7 January 2009

The Kravice Christmas Day Massacre

Today is the Orthodox Christmas Day, and the anniversary of the Kravice Christmas Day Massacre of 1993.

Black-shirted in deference to their fathers and grandfathers, the militias of a Western-backed Wahhabi rabble-rouser and unrepentant old recruitment sergeant for the SS left Srebrenica in the early hours. They took Kravice by surprise, slaughtering forty-nine men, women and children. However, that was but a small proportion of their 3500 and more Serb civilians victims between 1992 and 1993 in that area. Of the thirty villages that made up Kravice municipality, twenty-six remain uninhabited even now. (Consider that in 1993, the former Bolivian President, García Meza Tejada, was convicted of "genocide" for the deaths of precisely eight people.)

And for what? What did this Western-backed genocide achieve?

The state schools of Sarajevo have now banned the white-bearded figure known to Croat children as Dred Božinjak (Father Christmas), to Serb children as Božik Bata(Christmas Friend), and even, in for the last fifty years, to Bosnian Muslim children a Deda Mraz (Grandfather Frost).

Expect these schools, and other public institutions, to enforce Islamic dress codes, dietary laws and so forth in the very near future.

The Republika Srpska will declare independence sooner rather than later, and will deserve every support when she does. The Bosnian Croats are also coming round. The West backed the wrong side in Bosnia, as also in Kosovo, where the Wahhabism and the Nazi nostalgia are mixed in with heroin-trafficking, prostitution and the Maoism of Enver Hoxha.


  1. This is getting confusing. You are now saying that all Balkan muslims (Albanian and Bosniak) worship both Hoxa and Hitler?

    Anyway, Hoxa broke with China when Mao was in charge.

    Shurely some mistake shurely.

    As someone who has travelled the Balkans (unlike some people), it is not awash with people with beards and wearing burkas.

    Goodness, just a few months ago I was drinking Sarajevo lager. The brewery is around the corner from one of the city's biggest mosques.

    If Bosnia is under Sharia law then it has a funny way of showing it.

    Although this thing about Santa Claus etc is petty.

    I would be interested to know if Santa Claus "visits" Ethiopian and Eritrean Christians though.

  2. "You are now saying that all Balkan muslims (Albanian and Bosniak) worship both Hoxa and Hitler?"

    No, only the Albanians worship Hoxha.

    The Maoist Diaspora is a very strange thing. I will do a post on it sometime.

    "it is not awash with people with beards and wearing burkas"

    Not yet. But it's started.

    "Goodness, just a few months ago I was drinking Sarajevo lager. The brewery is around the corner from one of the city's biggest mosques."

    Enjoy it while it lasts. It won't last much longer.

    "Although this thing about Santa Claus etc is petty."

    It's a lot worse than that, and a sign of things to come.

    "I would be interested to know if Santa Claus "visits" Ethiopian and Eritrean Christians though."

    I think it's the Three Wise Men, bearing gifts. But I'll have to check.
