Wednesday, 27 February 2008

Not A Debating Chamber, Just An Echo Chamber

David Cameron has revived the call of every Opposition, always rejected by every Government, for a head-to-head televised debate between the party leaders in the run-up to the next General Election.

Of course, Cameron knows perfectly well that this is constitutionally illiterate. Has he also considered how tedious it would be, and that it would be watched by next to nobody?

After all, what have these persons to "debate"?

They agree with each other about absolutely everything that really matters, and even about most things that don't. What is more, they think that everyone else agrees with them, too.


  1. David - was that you I saw on the attendance list for a seminar this morning at the Royal Society on education, with Michael Gove and Andrew Adonis? I looked forward to meeting you, but you didn't ask a question and I couldn't spot your name tag. Did you come to any interesting conclusions?
