Sunday, 23 February 2025

Silence, Not Violence

All the President’s Men is on. The Mineworkers’ Pension Scheme was so mighty that it owned the Watergate Complex, the ultimate Trustees of which therefore included Arthur Scargill and Mick McGahey.

After that, the whole of Gaza: How to Survive a War Zone may be watched here. Good old Rumble. Consider the things that are still on YouTube, and then ponder the fact that it has removed this.

Apologies for the quiet on here today. The lurgy is back with such a vengeance that, among other things, I am literally unable to speak. I bet you never expected to hear that of me. And that is nowhere near my worst symptom of this, never mind of everything else that was already wrong with me. Baphomet is being kept busy, and increasingly so.


  1. Are you ill because you think they’ll look more kindly at you at your sentencing this week? I don’t think that will happen Davey boy

    1. My sentencing is not this week. I have it written down somewhere, but it is certainly not this week, so if you are on the Far Right march, then you have wasted your train fare.
