Thursday, 13 August 2020

Thatcher's Grandchildren

As Extinction Rebellion vandalises the headquarters of the Liberal Democrats, of all people, remember that this all goes back to Margaret Thatcher and to George H. W. Bush.

Thatcher's speech to the Royal Society on 27th September 1988 led to an increase in membership of Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth. Her speech to the UN General Assembly on 8th November 1989 took the message to the world. Bush talked about countering the Greenhouse Effect with the White House Effect. 

The Left, meanwhile, fought to save the British coal industry. You know that that was right. So come on, say it. The miners were right. And Thatcher was wrong. 

The present Government has committed itself to net zero carbon emissions. Not the last Labour Government, which was awful in many ways, but which was quite a while ago now. This one.

That is not compatible with the Government's McDonnellite economic policy, which it needs, not because of Covid-19, but in order to keep the Red Wall Blue. So let's see how this one plays out.

But it is this Government that has set itself the target. Net zero carbon emissions. And very Thatcherite that target is, too. So come on, say it. The miners were right. And Thatcher was wrong.


  1. In your heart of hearts you still want to be Leader of the Labour Party.

    1. How dare you!

      And I can honestly say that I have never wanted that.
