Friday, 28 August 2020

Stand With Rand

The buffoons who attacked Rand Paul, no doubt oblivious to who he was, will presumably be voting for Joe Biden. 

But Paul's speech to the Republican National Convention made it clear that Donald Trump was significantly less belligerent towards both the internal colonies, and the actual or potential external colonies, than Biden and Kamala Harris had been over several decades.

And the Republican National Convention also featured far more black speakers than the Democratic National Convention had. Far fewer elderly Republicans. But far more black people. With no canonisation of great monsters of the age such as the Bushes and John McCain.


  1. The Democrats hated Biden because he is a Roman Catholic who supported tough penalties for violent criminals and backed the Hyde Amendment ( two sensible policies he was forced by the Far Left to reverse in order to win the nomination).

    So many lies are told about him. He never opposed bussing, which he backed at state level, he opposed the federal government imposing it. His 1994 bill did not lead to higher incarceration rates.

    Richard Spencer endorsed Donald Trump in 2016 and admits on Twitter he’s urging his supporters to “back liberals against Trump” at this election in protest at Trump’s failure to deliver his programme.

    1. Any reader of that comment will have stopped reading after the fourth word. Biden has been the exact middle point of the Democratic Party at any given time for 50 years. More is the pity for all concerned, but there we are.
