Tuesday 7 July 2020

Planning, Development

I have just sent this email to planning@durham.gov.uk, and I urge all other residents of Lanchester to do likewise, using the reference DM/20/01464/FPA:

Dear Sir or Madam,

As a resident of Lanchester, I am writing to object to the proposal to build 78 houses on the Oakwood Stables site off Durham Road. This site is outside the settlement edge as laid out in the Lanchester Neighbourhood Plan, which has been passed by the examiner with only minor amendments needed to the presentation of supporting data.

In the emerging Durham County Plan, there is no allocation for housing in Lanchester. This is a proposal for urban sprawl into what is currently open countryside, and the site is very close to the sewage works, the unpleasant odours from which are of course unavoidable.

Residents of this site would be most unlikely to walk into the village, so this development would contribute yet further to the volume of traffic on our stretch of the A691, while traffic congestion in the village would be made even worse than it already was.

The schools in Lanchester are already at full capacity, and a further 78 households would make it more difficult to secure an appointment with a doctor. When permission was given for the current horse-riding development at Oakwood Stables, then one of the conditions was that if that use were to end, then the land would be returned to agricultural use.

I was an elected member of Lanchester Parish Council from 1999 to 2013, serving on its planning consultative committee throughout that time. I also served for eight years as a governor of a primary school in Lanchester, for eight years as a governor of the comprehensive school here, and for a three-year term, until earlier this year, as an elected public governor of County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust.

I am grateful for your attention.

Yours faithfully,

David Lindsay (Mr)

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